Friday, July 6, 2007

Dog days of WoW

It has been yet another long stretch of time since I last posted. Fear not reader, I'm still going strong in WoW.

FBD's Kara teams have combined because it was just too much of a strain trying to run two Kara groups a week. We have a soild group, includeing yours truly, that can full clear the instance in two days easily. We are gearing up a small group that has an interest in raiding, unfortunately some members get left out and we just don't have enough active members to do Gruul's on our own yet. So we are starting a major recruiting drive to get our numbers up.

On a lighter note we are ranked #11 on our server, as of today, on the new site WoWjutsu is really cool because it self populates guild ranks based on gear from the armory, not manually inputed data like My friends in Afterlife (not the #33 in the world guild) are ranked at #18 and seem to be on good upswing as of late, so more power to them.

Crafted Gear
When Burning Crusade launched I had been herbalism/alchemy for a while dropping tailoring long before I even got my first MC purple. When the expansion dropped I assumed tailoring was going to still be as useless as ever. Upon my return to WoW a month and a half ago I was hit with realization that tailoring is not only useful, but it is almost a required profession for dps casters now. Seeing no choice, but to drop herbalism in place of tailoring I spent a small fortune and countless hours crafting my Frozen Shadoweave set. The farming is never done though, my friend recently gained the ability to create Girdle of Ruination, so I'll be farming motes of fire for the coming week.

Stats, Numbers and Ranks
I like to consider myself a numbers kind of guy, so when I saw Wow metrics recently I flipped my junk. I have been pouring over the top mages in the US and on my server's builds, gear and enchants trying to plan my progression. I am currently #59 on my server (I was #55 yesterday /cry) in frost damage, #81 in mana and #155 in raw damage out of a total of 259 mages list.

Before I sign off, I should mention again that FBD is on a major recruiting drive right now. We full clear kara and downed Gruul once with an alliance guild that did not work out. If you are interested please PST an officer or sign up on our forums.

Crafted purples and cheese,


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Books Read

Recently Finished:

The Wise Man's Fear
Dynasty of Evil
100 Bullets Vol. 07: Samurai
Batman: Batman and Son
100 Bullets Vol. 06: Six Feet Under the Gun
100 Bullets Vol. 05: The Counterfifth Detective
100 Bullets Vol. 04: A Foregone Tomorrow
100 Bullets Vol. 03: Hang Up on the Hang Low
100 Bullets Vol. 02: Split Second Chance
30 Days of Night
100 Bullets Vol. 01: First Shot, Last Call
Transmetropolitan Vol. 1: Back on the Street
Uzumaki, Volume 1
Runaways vol. 1: Pride and Joy
The Umbrella Academy, Vol. 2: Dallas
The Umbrella Academy, Vol. 1: Apocalypse Suite
Batman: Hush, Vol. 2
Atomic Robo Vol. 4: Other Strangeness
