Monday, January 21, 2013

Weekend Review: Jan 19th & 20th

Every weekend there are new sights, sounds, and taste to consume. There are other sensory inputs that tickle my brain too, but saying there is stuff to feel sounds creepy. This is a weekly journal of my weekend endeavors. Enjoy!

After many delays, not uncommon for rap albums, A$AP Rocky's new jam dropped this past week. Being bitten by a number of sophomore efforts over the years, I was understandably skeptical of this one. No reason to doubt. I spun it exclusively on my trip up and back to Pittsburgh this weekend and it is fantastic. A lot of guest appearances and new beats, but enough of Clams Casino in the mix that it evoked what I loved about LiveLoveA$AP. Great second effort that will be in my rotation for much of 2013.

Bullseye: 2012 Comedy Special
This podcast/public radio show falls near the bottom of weekly listening and usually gets back logged behind other maximum fun joints. It is largely an interview show, though the guest culture/media recommendations are top notch (see: kottke and Noz). It hings on the interviewee being as good as the host, Jesse Thorn, who always brings it. That said the episode I listened to while traveling this weekend is a compilation of the best in comedy albums from 2012. It left my jaw sore from laughter and with a list of new, to me, comedians to follow up on.

The Sword
For Christmas this year I picked up the first two volumes of this book for Ethan. It was a comic I had heard recommendations for going on two years. I never got around to it, so I gave it to Ethan as a sort of holiday comic homework. He had never heard of it, but ended enjoying it a lot and let me borrow the present I gave him when he was done. I picked and wrapped up the fourth and final volume late this week and the book only got better. A great story (college kid gets super powers) that is wholly contained in a four trade arc. Really easy to recommend it.

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Miles Logged

Books Read

Recently Finished:

The Wise Man's Fear
Dynasty of Evil
100 Bullets Vol. 07: Samurai
Batman: Batman and Son
100 Bullets Vol. 06: Six Feet Under the Gun
100 Bullets Vol. 05: The Counterfifth Detective
100 Bullets Vol. 04: A Foregone Tomorrow
100 Bullets Vol. 03: Hang Up on the Hang Low
100 Bullets Vol. 02: Split Second Chance
30 Days of Night
100 Bullets Vol. 01: First Shot, Last Call
Transmetropolitan Vol. 1: Back on the Street
Uzumaki, Volume 1
Runaways vol. 1: Pride and Joy
The Umbrella Academy, Vol. 2: Dallas
The Umbrella Academy, Vol. 1: Apocalypse Suite
Batman: Hush, Vol. 2
Atomic Robo Vol. 4: Other Strangeness
