Hardywood Twilight 4 Miler
Post 10k I have been lazy piece, not exercising, not stretching and subsisting on a diet of beer and sweet sweet pastries. As a preventative measure I signed myself up for a trillion events this Spring and Summer. The first of which was a 4 mile run out from Hardywood and back by way of the Fan. It was a fun run so the pressure to finish quick was only in my head and the reward afterwards was beer. Specifically the Twilight Weiss, brewed for the event. The whole thing was a blast, it seemed like all of Richmond was there, well except for the angry Richmonders on Broad St. That mess was blocked for an hour plus for the run.
Fort Harrison Loop
In preparation for my next event (Cap 2 Cap), I needed and still need cycling miles on my legs. Sunday morning Mike and I met at my place and spun our way out to Rocketts Landing to meet Whitt. From there we made our way East to Fort Harrison, where we turned around and crossed the river to Whitt's place for bottle fills and a cold beer (best idea ever). We departed Casa Clements and crossed the river again to head home. Less than a mile from my house, Mike and I were singing our victory hymnal when he hit a painted line that was not a painted line, but a 6 inch tall concrete strip. I watched as he tumbled in slow motion. His body fighting gravity at every turn and ultimately losing. It looked painfully, but hope the worst of it was scrapes and bruises. We limped our way back to my place for scones, beer and band-aids. Not a great way to end a good ride, but them's the breaks.
Mixtapes are the best. They are free, come out more frequently than full studio releases and are great exposure for new artist. For the past three weeks I've been listening to Problem and IamSu's Million Dollar Afro. It super heavy on the bass and features Juvenile of all people. Pretty dope all around and no barrier to entry. Give it a try.
Ah man, that sucks about Mike's crash. Good to hear the man was ok; what about his machine?
Where exactly was it on your route?
Bike was fine, but he needs a new helmet. It was on the cut through at Regency Mall, so 1.5-ish miles from the finish.
Ah. Was it that median strip on the short downhill with the stop sign at the bottom? I've never understood why that needed to be raised.
The very same one.
It was 100% un-fun.
I'll live, probably, but this weekend's 10k is going to hurt.
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