I am a confessed lore fiend, so when our guild master gave me the go ahead to "see some cool shit" I was geeked. It was not so much about the gear, although it is nice, but seeing all of the content I otherwise would have missed. In my vanilla WoW days I made it through MC, BWL, almost all of AQ40 and quit before Naxx came out. I was not upset to start BC in tier 2 instead of tier 3, but wished I had at least seen the content. Thankfully achievements have let me see C'Thun and the expansion will bring back Naxx.
With a baby on the way this April I don't know if I will have time to be on the cutting edge of raid content like I have been in the past. There will be 10 man versions of every raid and Afterlife's passion for progression content though. So either way I will get to see some cool stuff.
Speaking of the gear earlier I figured I'd at least post my new goodies...
Skyshatter Headguard
Naturalist's Preserving Cinch
Illidari Runeshield - not currently in use
I know I said it's not about the gear, but a two piece T6 bonus sure would be nice for leveling to 80 in a week.
You shouldn't use oil since you have earth living weapon buff!!!! Damn noob
I used earth living weapon, but I had hallow's end oil with me though.
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